Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope that Santa was as good to you as he was to us this year!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Very Own... Taylor Swift

Here is Katie who is majorly obsessed with Taylor Swift and her new song called Hey Stephen. We listen to it at least two times every time we get in the car. The other night when we were making gingerbread houses at Grandmas we put it on and caught the girl in the moment. It is a pretty crude video(made by Sarah Digital Camera), It cuts off her head a couple of times but who who doesn't enjoy a homemade video once in awhile. We love our little singer and dancer!
(Sarahs disclaimer, It wasn't my video skills it was the program on the computer). Myabe next time I post a video I will actually figure out how to post the video and not just the link.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bradleys Baptism

Bradley got baptized today! I am so proud of him and his decision. He decided to have Brent do the Baptism and Grandpa confirm him. The best part was that Sarah flew in to suprise him, she couldn't miss the big day. We had so much support from family and loved and appreciated your support for Bradley.